
Parker Subdivision on My New Blog!

I suspect that I should to enter some information that will intrigue my constituency (where's the spell checker?). For now this will have to be sufficient. Thanks for stopping by if you came from some far away land via a fiber optic cable. Hopefully you are interested in realistic model railroading. Your presence and contributions will always welcome...Unless you swear...'cause you know I'm here in Utah! Just kiddin!

Layout Page Link: http://www.thesolutionfarm.com/mbrx/mbrx.html

Let me know what you think! Have great day! Mark

1 comment:

  1. Great work Mark. I am a realist when it comes to the details and yours are awesome. Your bench work is incredible. I know zero when it comes to function and electric, but I am studying. Keep up the great work. Please post some step by step for idiots with electric in the bench work.
