
2005/06 UP Taylor Subdivision

Here's the second layout I built in 2005/06 but didn't quite finish (let's face they are never ever really finished). If you like the style of layouts that I build and you have any questions about model railroad building techniques, I'd be glad to help. Give it a look!

Layout Page Link: http://www.thesolutionfarm.com/modelrailroad1/mbrx1.html

Comments & questions always welcome! Have great day! Mark


  1. brazil
    show a sua maquete meus parabens, gostei muito dela e com certeza ela me servira de inspiração pra minha nova maquete.
    Alexandre Brazil

  2. Mark,

    I've been a very part-time railroading buff since my grandpa gave me his Lionel Super-O layout for Christmas back when my age was in the single digits.

    Just wanting to pass along kudos on your design and modeling skills. They definitely resonate with my sensibilities in the art form. I could learn a lot from you, as I'm interested in realistic operation but have very little idea how to go about it.

    My current scale is N, though i still have my grandpa's cars and track. I'm trying to get up the gumption for a fresh start on a layout. I was inspired by your Taylor Subdivision.

